澳门最大十大赌网app at Kettering

Kettering and 澳门最大十大赌网app

Many students come to Kettering with robotics experience including involvement with 澳门最大十大赌网app competitions. 

澳门最大十大赌网app的机器人 offers hands-on STEM curriculum as well as robotics competitions for elementary through university students through a partnership with Project Lead the Way.

Competitions are organized through a partnership with the non-profit educational foundation aimed at increasing student interest and involvement in STEM, the 机器人 Education & Competition (REC) Foundation.

Kettering offers a variety 澳门最大十大赌网app camps and competitions.  We are a proud sponsor of the REC Foundation’s 2021 澳门最大十大赌网app的机器人 Live Remote World Championship.